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OpenAI's newest tool deepens disinformation concerns

Digital experts and online truth seekers are sounding alarm bells over the potential impact of OpenAI's new text to video tool, Sora, on the spread of disinformation by nefarious online actors, given the ease with which it enables users to create convincing looking video with minimal effort.

Sora is described as a tool capable of generating minute-long videos with highly detailed scenes, complex camera motion, and multiple characters based on minimal prompts. Speaking to ABC News, experts in the digital realm express their worries about how Sora could potentially make it "even easier for malicious actors to generate high-quality video deepfakes." Oren Etzioni, founder of, is even stronger in his concerns, admitting to being "terrified" and raising the specter of a potential "Achilles heel in our democracy" as elections loom for a significant portion of the world in 2024.

OpenAI has attempted to ease public concerns, acknowledging the potential risks and pointing to its commitment to safety measures. OpenAI claims to be actively working on hiring domain experts to assess the risks associated with its AI products and is building tools aimed at detecting misleading content. One such proposal is the cryptographical verification of videos of political figures and requirements for AI companies to disclose their latest research to the government and report foreign entities using their products. Nonetheless, the immediate response demonstrates growing concerns over AI's potential to spread increasingly convincing disinformation and the impact that this may have on the electoral process.

Open AI's latest introduction to the constantly expanding repertoire of available generative AI tools brings both excitement and concern to the world of artificial intelligence. As technology advances, so do the challenges it poses, particularly in the realm of disinformation. The conversation around addressing these challenges is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our democracy. OpenAI's commitment to safety measures and the broader discussions about regulatory frameworks highlight the need for a proactive approach to navigate the complexities of AI in our digital age.

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