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Call for papers 2023 is open!

IFCC publishes double-blind peer-reviewed scientific articles that take an original look at social worlds. The articles are rigorous and use the tools of the social sciences and open source intelligence including social media data and analysis to construct their subject. The subjects can range from the expression of a theoretical intuition to the descriptive presentation of a situation deemed enlightening for the understanding of online behaviors.

Authors agree not to submit their article to another journal while the review process is underway.

All articles shall include:

- a title

- a fact or problem

- an argumentative development: including both quantitative and qualitative data based on online behavior (stories, posts, actors, groups, etc.)


All elements developed in the article must be based on documentation provided by the author and verifiable at any time

The author is committed to providing information that does not violate the law and respects the ethical principles to which IFCC is committed

Do not hesitate to contact us

IFCC team


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